Collins Builds Better Truck Bodies
Serving Western Canada since 1944
Collins Manufacturing Company Ltd.

Going Green

Over the years, Collins Manufacturing has taken steps to minimize its impact on the environment. A lot has changed over the past 65 plus years and we understand the importance of taking the right steps now to create environmentally friendly products.

We owe it to the next generation to do the right things today.


Almost 100% of all materials used in the production of our van bodies are recyclable. From our aluminum panels to our interior kemlite lining you can be assured Collins is using the most environmentally friendly materials available.


We are constantly testing and approving new products to enhance our green mission. Energy saving LED light packages and aerodynamic front radius design to reduce fuel consumption are just a few of the many advances we have implemented along the way.


We continue to look at our manufacturing process to ensure no energy is being wasted in the completion of our van bodies. Through lean manufacturing we are constantly refining the process in an effort to further reduce waste and to lessen our impact on the environment.

Canada's 1st Electric commercial trucks
Canada's 1st Electric commercial trucks
Canada's 1st Electric commercial trucks
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Site by Vancouver Web Designer J. Klassen.